Friday, March 18, 2016

Critical Essay Topic

The following is the introduction for my critical essay proposal. I would like some feedback on whether or not this is a good topic. My two main concerns are that it is too broad and that there is not enough factual information about virtual reality to make my essay legitimate. I would appreciate some criticism about my topic.

The topic for my critical essay is virtual reality. Virtual reality was seen as crazy and futuristic in the past, but the last few years have seen virtual reality become something that the common man can actually experience, and it will only get more immersive in the future. Things like virtual reality game consoles, virtual reality social media, and even virtual reality pornography are currently being developed. In the future, it may be possible for humans to discard their imperfect bodies and have their brains “hooked up” to a virtual world where they can do anything and be anywhere instantly. I intend to argue that while virtual reality can be fun and exciting, it can also be extremely dangerous to the earth and to humanity. If a large portion of the human race chooses to live solely in a virtual world, the real world and the human race itself could deteriorate and die off.

1 comment:

  1. I think that your topic actually sounds really interesting. As a starting point I think this could actually work because you are arguing against virtual reality, which is clearly stated, but you also give the “they say” of the argument. As a point to show the “what ifs” of the downside of virtual reality, you could analyze the movie “Gamer” starring Gerard Butler. The movie delves into what virtual reality can truly become due to popular demand crying out for bigger and better technology. It shows how callus humans become toward each other, unless they have a screen in front of their faces. I don’t know if this helps at all, but your argument reminded me of the movie, which sort of shows what you are trying to say. I think, since there isn’t much written about virtual reality and since it’s such a new aspect of technology, then the analysis of “Gamer” may help you gain length in your paper, if that is what you chose to do.
