Friday, March 11, 2016

Technology’s Always Been Here

My friend Karmann and I were watching a TV show on last night. We noticed that the same five commercials kept getting repeated, so at one point we became bored enough to start analyzing them (the commercials would come on every five minutes so you can understand our boredom). What we realized is that most of the commercials were advertising some newfound version of a piece of technology like the Galaxy S7 edge. We began wondering why most commercials did this. Back when we were kids, we remembered seeing commercials for little kid versions of laptops and cellphones. It seems like, even when we were children, the advertising industry has been dominated by the idea of technology. However, when we were kids, we had to have the imagination for most of it to be fascinating, whereas nowadays, it seems as though imagination is being taken out because the “adult” technology thinks for us instead. We just thought it was interesting that the more imaginative, interactive technology is being pushed out while computers that can think for people are being pulled in. 


  1. Now that you pointed it out, almost every commercial is related to some sort of technology and if not it's almost always featured.

  2. Very interesting! You know what else would be interesting? An analysis of how these commercials differ based on age other words, how is technology pitched to kids versus young adults versus parents, etc.
