Thursday, March 17, 2016

Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Missing Thesis

Many of you have heard of the genius consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes, and his colleague and close friend, Dr. John Watson. Many of you also know that I have a long running obsession with these two characters, not only from the TV series and movies but also from the novels and short stories. I was thinking about my proposal and the paper we have to write, and it occurred to me that I could do an analysis of how the BBC Sherlock transfers the technology from the original stories into modern times. I thought it would be interesting to analyze key points of the series. Such as how, instead of a journal as in the original stories, Watson uses a blog to describe the cases he and Holmes work on. The BBC also recently released a Christmas special where they mix both the old and new Sherlock Holmes. I’m not sure if I should analyze the Christmas special or if I should analyze key points like the one I mentioned above. I’m also having trouble forming a question of where to even  start my research. I was wondering if you guys could help me out, if it’s not too much trouble. 

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