Friday, March 11, 2016


One comment that caught my attention from the readings that was made was similar to the lines of "I don't see this as any different than meeting someone on the street. It's like seeing a good face and you approach them and start talking and sometimes something comes of it, only now you don't have a profile for what the persons interests are or what they are looking for." This stood out to me because you would think based on that information, that it would be better to meet people online. I mean you have a short biography about them, you know where they're from, and what they're looking for. So, why not pursue this form of dating. So, this opened my eyes that honestly, meeting people online based on a picture is really the same as meeting them in person, only now you have more knowledge that you can use to create more interesting conversations. I think using social media to meet people could be beneficial because you can find someone who has similar interests as you. It could honestly help you in meeting someone because you have prior knowledge of who they are. We shouldn't shame people for meeting someone online.


  1. I agree with you that we shouldn't shame people for meeting each other online because it can really work out. I think people sometimes get online dating confused with meeting people online, and that's where things can get a little mixed up. Personally, I'm not a fan of dating sites or apps but it doesn't mean they can't work out for other people and we shouldn't belittle their relationship just because they met online.

  2. That was one thing that made meeting my ex easier. He and I talked on tinder for a couple of days and it made it easier for me to figure out his personality. If I met him on the street, I probably wouldn't have ever talked to him, in hindsight that might have been a good thing. Tinder actually does act like meeting people in real life because it is based on looks but at least you get see a little of their personality before striking a conversation.

  3. People who meet others online have to realize that lies are easier to be said online. Online dating and meeting up is dangerous. I always tell my friends that I'll go with them if they're going on a date with someone they met on tinder.

    1. I really agree with you. People create a whole new personality for themselves online all too often for me to feel comfortable with online dating. It's foreign to me and will probably always stay that way. Just don't know who to trust, as sad as that is.
