Friday, April 15, 2016

Be Careful With What You Live-Stream

Recently I was on Buzzfeed, while taking a break from doing some of my homework, just looking at some of the articles when I came across one that caught my attention in a negative way. As I’m sure you guys know by now the topic for my critical essay is about sexual assault, and it’s something I feel very strongly about, so as I was looking on Buzzfeed and came across this article you can imagine I had some pretty strong opinions about it.

The article is about an 18-year-old girl facing multiple charges for live-streaming her friend getting raped, by a 29-year-old man. Apparently, the three of them had been drinking all night before the attack had occurred, so of course alcohol was to blame in this situation. I’m not saying that alcohol didn’t play a role in this incident, but I don’t believe that the alcohol forced this guy to rape the victim.

Let’s not forget about the victims so-called friend, who thought it would be a funny or good idea to pull out her phone and live-stream a girl getting raped, and ruin her life even more. This poor girl’s life was already going to be hard enough without the help of a smartphone app. The live-streaming app that the other girl used just made it that much easier to tear someone's life apart.

If the pair end up getting convicted, they face potentially more than forty years each for the multiple charges.


  1. It beaks my heart to know that someone is capable of doing something like this. I don't understand why, even though her friend was intoxicated as well, she didn't step up and realize that what was going on wasn't right. Then she went as far to post it. That is not a friend that I would like to have.

  2. Oh my goodness. That is so horible! I agree, though. The alcohol did play a part in lower that guy's inhibitions, but that doesn't account for the actual act itself. That guy is fully to blame for rapping the poor girl. Also, why would her friend think it would be a good idea to live stream what happened? That video could destroy her life on top of having to deal with that psychological trauma. I don't know what this post says about technology but it says a lot about the people who use this technology.

  3. I noticed in my research that alcohol is the leading cause for sexual assault and rape cases. That is just horrible. People need to think about repercussions before they act and make huge mistakes.

  4. I just hate that we live in a world where rape has become more of a commonality. That poor girl learned the worst way possible that they were not her friends. I don't know why they thought streaming that live was remotely okay. Also, alcohol is never an excuse for raping a person or sitting by while someone is raped. If you know you can't control yourself after drinking, do not drink.

  5. The fact that a girl live-streamed this disgusting crime is what really makes my stomach churn about this story. Like, to the point where I have a really, really hard time thinking or talking about it. It's horrible enough she was raped, but the fact that so many people were able to see it I'm sure made everything that much harder to handle. Is the "friend" who filmed it being charged with anything?

  6. I feel awful for this girl and I think that intoxication is an awful excuse for what they did and both should be brought to court and put in prison for their actions. What's worse is the people that have watched it, and didn't even report the situation to the police.
