Friday, April 8, 2016

People Bad, Technology Good

Today I’ve been thinking about how helpful technology can be. It can help us learn other languages and make learning these languages fun, as the cellphone app “Duolingo” shows. Technology can also make it possible to interact with people from other countries through the use of social media. We have technology that can help people who have developmental issues, such as that dog that flips through different expressions. There is new technology that makes it possible for people to walk again, and look as if nothing is wrong with them. I understand that there is a possibility of becoming too dependent upon technology to the point of addiction, but the things we can achieve because of ever evolving technology overrides the negativities that it provides. And it makes me mad when people say that technology is bad. The technology itself cannot be good or evil, because it is an inanimate object incapable of self-thought. It is the people that use the technology that we should frown upon when they use it to achieve horrible objectives.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think technology is actually good. People don't realize that technology is almost always right.

  3. I completely agree with this post. We don't blame plates and forks for making us fat, so why should we blame technology for making us lazy or antisocial?

  4. I agree with you on this one. Technology has no intentions, it's the people that have the intentions to do horrible things that make technology look bad. Technology helps us advance in so many ways, and people take it for granted. Unfortunately, there will probably always be people out there who will, and then blame their actions on technology like it was the one in control.

  5. I agree with you. It's a lot like my experiences I have at work.

  6. Totally agree with you! Technology has never been evil, only the users can decide their intentions on technology. Unfortunately there are always going to ruin it.
