Friday, April 8, 2016

Online Dating and Shepherd University

I have been talking to a plethora of students on Shepherd University's campus about their experiences with online and traditional dating, and I have discovered a lot about this campus community. Another experiment I have been doing on the side has been just as, if not more helpful for my topic. I downloaded all of the most popular dating apps and explored the little piece of the online dating world that is Shepherd University. It was a very eye opening experience. I expected to find that most of the profiles were dedicated to hookups on apps like Tinder and OkCupid, but it is actually quite the opposite. There are a ton of people on these dating apps that are looking for deep, emotional connections, and many more are just looking to meet new people and expand their horizons. The online dating world is not as much of a cesspool of hookups as people think.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me happy. I'm glad your experience with dating apps is more positive than what others portray.
