Friday, April 22, 2016

Technology to form bonds

I believe in technology. Despite all the negative connotations that can be related to technology, it can do more good than bad. For example, I have an older sister who I didn't have contact with until about two years ago. We started out by finding each other on Facebook and then later on we added each other on Skype. Through Skype we have been able to form a relationship and be able to keep each other up-to-date with everything going on in our lives. Through Facebook I am able to see pictures of my niece and be able to know that my sister is doing okay. I think that this is a good thing as far as technology because now I am able to know and see things from my sister that I probably wouldn't have known before. Without Facebook I wouldn't have known I was going to be an aunt and I wouldn't have been able to form a bond with my sister. For that, I am very thankful.


  1. That is awesome that technology has impacted your life in such a huge way, and I am glad that you were able to reconnect with your sister!

  2. It's great to see how Skype keeps you connected. When my sister was away in England we used Skype to keep in touch with each other for three months. I agree with your thinking that technology can do more good than bad.

  3. It’s awesome that technology impacted you in such a positive way and allowed you to experience that. I think more people should look at the good that technology can do, like letting you and your sister talk on Skype and Facebook. All in all, technology isn’t such a bad thing. I think it’s when people decide to use if for nefarious reasons, that’s when technology becomes a big problem.

  4. I completely understand. My sister and I have always lived apart, and the biggest reason we were able to maintain our bond as I got older was thanks to technology. If it weren't for the existence of FaceTime, I wouldn't get to see her or my nephews in real-time and be able to talk and laugh with them as we each go about our houses doing our own things. My sister and I know that we are always nothing more than a quick text or phone call away, and I'm so grateful that our strong bond didn't ever have the chance to be broken due to distance.
