Friday, April 15, 2016

End of the Semester Sap Fest

It's crazy to think how close we are to the end of the semester. We've spent a whole lot of time talking about technology, its advantages, and its disadvantages. I would like to take second to focus on one interesting (in my opinion) advantage.

Throughout our course, we had many class discussions. While they focused mostly on readings and assignments from the syllabus, we were also able to get to know each other a little better. But we only meet for 50 minutes three times a week. That isn't much time to get insight on a person, especially when there are ten or so others to get to know. Blogger has acted as a little insight pusher. With weekly posts, we get to see what each of us are doing in our personal lives, how other classes are going, how technology is affecting us in everyday situations, and even just seeing interests that may not be relevant to bring up in class.

Sometimes it slips my mind that the blog post deadline is coming up, and I think to myself, "Man, I wish we didn't have to do those." At this point in the semester, though, I can't tell you how interesting of a social media platform blogging is. I'm glad to have gotten to know you guys better than I could have if we only talked ("talked" virtually, too) in class.

This was kinda sorta sappy, but I'm not sorry. Much love for all of you!


  1. This was cute! I'm glad I got to meet new people in our class this semester.

  2. Thanks for the validation: I do think that blogging helps students get to know each other a bit more in ways different than might happen in a regular classroom.

  3. I really like Blogger, and I think that it does help us get to know each other a little better each week. On our blogs we can talk about things that interest us and give the rest of the class a little peek into out lives. Technology definitely had more advantages here than it did disadvantages.
