Friday, April 15, 2016

Thanks a lot Technology

I was working on my paper today in the library. The library of all places should probably have the best WiFi signal on campus, but no. The library WiFi was terrible today. I moved from one room to the next just trying to get enough service to do some research. Then technology decided to waste more of my time. I was attempting to copy and paste a few charts from an article onto my paper. Again this couldn't be easy for me. I ended up re-typing all of the information into excel. Then tried to replicate the charts. It was time consuming and didn't even help me in the end. Thankfully I was meeting with Dr. Hanrahan today and she helped me copy and past the charts I needed. But for the last time today technology really disappointed me. My computer's battery life is worse than my phone's battery life, so as soon as I began to write my blog for this week my computer shut down. I lost everything that I had written. So this weeks blog deserved to be written about how GREAT technology is.


  1. I understand your pain, the wifi at my house is really awful and only works when you're in one specific room. However, my experiences with wifi at the library haven't been that bad, were you on the third floor? Not only is it blissfully quiet there, it also has really good wifi.

  2. Ha! I love the contrast between this post and the one right before it (that is basically "Yay, technology!").
