Friday, April 22, 2016

Positives VS Negatives

I know that most of my posts this semester have either been acknowledging the positives of technology or discussing the negatives of it. Since this is the last post of the semester, I just wanted to say that I am neither for, nor against technology, because I feel that the positives and negatives balance each other out. I also wanted to say that it isn’t necessarily the technology, itself, that creates the negatives we see today, such as people not carrying on conversations or the whole online dating vs. naturally meeting someone debacle. What creates these negative effects is the people using the technology and their intentions when using it. Overall I feel that it’s relevant to make such a distinction because so many people blame the negatives on technology, on how the cooler the gadgets are the worse our society becomes. But it isn’t technology’s fault. It’s the minds that use it to whatever their ulterior motive may be.

As a side note, I just wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed this class and being able to converse with all of you!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a very valid conclusion to make after looking at what we've discussed this semester, and I, too, have really enjoyed this class. :)
