Friday, April 1, 2016

Online Dating Advice Books are Hilarious

I have been reading a lot of advice books about online dating for both men and women for my critical essay project. There is a lot of quality information in them, but there are also some pieces of advice that just seem awful to me. One of the books says that if a man does not ask you on a date in four messages, you should give up on trying to date him. The same book also says that a woman should always wait at least 24 hours to respond to a message from a man that they want to date. Purposely waiting to respond to someone just seems crazy to me. If a person is interested in another person, they should want to talk to each other. Dating is so difficult because it has become like a game to many people. I don't want to play games with anyone. If two people want to be together, they should just get together. It's as simple as that.


  1. I agree with you. If they want to be together they should just talk to their significant other. But the fact that online dating advice is even a source of contention that has books written about it, is sad. I think that says a lot about our society as a whole nowadays. That we even need advice for seeking to date people through technology sort of scares me in a way…because doesn’t that take away from the human aspect of dating? Through technology you’ll never know the other persons tone, body langue, or expression, which makes it harder to get to the truth of things and makes it easier to lie to the ones that you love. To me that is a scary thought.

  2. I feel like communication with your partner is more important and will get you farther than what any book has to say.

  3. I would argue that even though I agree that waiting is silly and you should just talk to people, I think the overall perception is that responding too quickly means that you are "desperate." I have never viewed it this way, but I would say that it has become a societal belief that texting or calling someone you're interested in makes you look overly eager.

  4. I think that everything said here is accurate and valuable. Dating is almost like some alien thing that no one understands, but we just keep taking a stab at it. But you better wait the exact amount of time society tells you to before you take that next stab!
