Friday, January 15, 2016

A Stance on Jennifer Lawrence

What happened between Jennifer Lawrence and a reporter at the Golden Globes is being blown so far out of the water. Sure, what she said about him not being able to "live his life" behind a phone was kind of an assumption that he was not using it productively for the q&a, but this situation is just going to show how quickly we as a society can grab ahold of an incident and make it seem like it actually matters. Lawrence said two comments that have now been played and replayed who knows how many times in the past week, but in all honesty, what happened there will not affect our lives in the least. Technology allowed a negative connotation for the actress to surface. Social media is filled with comments bashing her even though just a few months ago she was loved by millions of people. 

Not that I think that technology is something rising from hell or anything like that, but I do feel that it gives people too much of a leeway with what they can get away with saying. All of the obscene comments that are being posted will be noticed but go without any real consequences. So those unintelligent people, who think they're hilarious because they made a 140 character comment about a situation they were not even present for, still have all the dang power in the world. 


  1. I totally agree with you on the situation being blown out of the water. We may never know what the reporter was using his phone for, and that to me makes comments like he was using it for translation purposes seem less credible because in that case people are assuming things just as much as Jennifer Lawrence may be. I also really like what you said about technology giving people too much leeway.Today anyone with some type of technological device can say anything they want, about anyone and it could really take a toll on someones life.

  2. I also suspect that we are seeing a bit of that dynamic play out where our culture builds someone up and then tears her down. This happens a lot with women especially. It's depressing.

    1. And technology makes it easier to do--circulate a video clip, make a meme, etc. and before you know it, Jennifer Lawrence is a villain.
