Friday, January 22, 2016

Age on the Net

My dad started making YouTube videos, gaming videos to be precise, last year and recently he has been making father-daughter videos. One thing he makes sure of is to not let any of his viewers find out his age or mine. This made me realize how on the internet you never really know who you are talking to, at least when you are on YouTube. My dad rarely shows his face in his videos which makes guessing his age difficult because the main thing his viewers have to help decide his age is his voice. My dad explained to the omission of his age is a strategic move because none of his viewers can judge him by his age. He does not do this to hide or deceive. Unfortunately, others on the net do as such in order to trick whomever they can. My dad does use the omission of my age for his advantage, because with my recorder voice I sound much younger than I actually am, by making the videos appear that he is playing with his young daughter, which can be more appealing to his audience than playing with college student daughter. My question for you is: When does hiding who you are online cross the line? Is it ever ok to lie about who you are online?

Here is one of the father-daughter videos if you are interested in watching.


  1. This whole phenomenon is so interesting to me!

    1. Somehow I managed to put something zombie related onto this blog.
