Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Snow Day: In response to "How does this text speak to Alone Together?"

      This text kind of proves everything that Turkle speaks for. Three young girls are giving real life examples to justify her point that social media can suck in all your attention, allow you to present yourself online in ways that you wouldn’t in real life, and be brought together in the most insincere ways. All of these girls are leaving comments like “omg you’re so perfect I hate you” as if they’re best friends. Though, in all honesty, they could probably care less about each other. It is just all about how they’re being present on Instagram through comments and likes.
      It's sad to think that one app has the ability to take away how people perceive each other, but it's happening. Girls feel obligated to leave mindless comments on pictures that they scroll past and never think about ever again. Not only that, but they get jealous when their best friends leave nice comments for girls out of their typical friend group. It scares me to hear how seriously Instagram is being taken. These three girls seem to think that it is a gateway to friendship and popularity in high school. This may be the case, but I am hopeful that there are still enough sane teens out there to keep social interactions at least somewhat the same.

      High school, to me, shouldn't be spent worrying about likes and comments. If my friends and I were like that, we would never have the relationship we do now. Even if we can't have a serious conversation for weeks at a time because of being at different schools and being busy with classes, the closeness still remains. But if the years of middle and high school were spent with our faces shoved in phones, nothing would be the same. Yes, all of us still posted photos and status updates and whatnot, but it was no where near the most important part of our lives. 

      I hate to say that Turkle is right, but I do agree with her in these aspects. Though she could definitely be a little less negative and hypocritical... 

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Here's the other side of the argument! I think someone could listen to the piece and say something completely different in reference to its connection to Turkle, but I admit that I am torn. I mean, this whole instagram thing does sound exhausting and a bit shallow, but it also seems to do some normal, good things. I don't know...Ha!
