Friday, January 22, 2016

Have at it!

Saw this image this morning and thought of you all, wondering how you would respond to it. I get a bit tired of these "kids these days don't know how good they have it" memes.


  1. Personally, I find posts like this to be degrading. Stereotypical even. My first car had manual windows. I own a record player that I use regularly. Although it was the Maps on my iPhone, I have used it as though I was using a traditional map (finding a destination without typing in the address to get GPS help). And honestly, who in this generation has never used a book.

    I think that it is incredible how much we can do with technology. But just because we take advantage of the potential of new age technology doesn't mean that we cannot appreciate older tech stuff as much.

    The people that made this meme would probably see my comments as teen angst.

    1. I agree that they are degrading. These kind of memes stereotype our generation, when our generation defines itself by being different. We have “hipsters” who do nothing but use old technology. My grandparents have a car that has manual windows that I ride in every time I go with them into town. I’m a proud owner of two record players that I play on a regular basis. I’ve been reading out of a battered old atlas since I was old enough to sit in the front passenger seat. And I’m an English Major; my major literally requires me to crack open books. Even with all that, I own two typewriters. Just because we weren’t born during that time does not mean that we don’t know how to use these things or that we haven’t used them. I also agree with your comment “But just because we take advantage of the potential of new age technology doesn't mean that we cannot appreciate older tech stuff as much.” Our generation has just learned that our own technology is to be admired as well.

  2. Memes like this really bother me. Mostly they bother me because I have used all of those things in my life, even recently. This doesn't have much to do with the actual meme posted, but I don’t think that it is fair for people to accuse the younger generation of having a technology “problem” and being antisocial when the older generation are even worse because they actually have the time to text and be on social media. Take my grandfather for instance. Every day when I check my personal email, I’ll have about thirty emails from him. Every. Day. Maybe one of them will be personal. At least the younger generations actually try and connect with one another, well me and my friends do anyway.

    1. Ahhh...the older relative who can't stop sending email forwards!

  3. I think post like this are actually funny. They make a point to hit millennial where it hurts. We don't like being told that "we are given everything" and "we don't even know how to live yet." Now I think it is funny because technology is ever changing and rapid also, but when we grow, I know for a fact that I would do this to younger generations also. We also have to think that this isn't the first generation to do this, grandparents are notorious for this, the old "Back in my day..." stories are the same thing, but we don't get mad at them. We get offended and all upset over being "belittled" when in reality, it is just a joke. If you don't like it, you don't that is the end of this. If you do like it, then you do. it is just that.

    1. A good point, Logan--this does fall into the "in my day" tradition. And yes, sometimes it's just a joke. :)

  4. I find these things humorous actually. I know the creator of such memes is generalizing a group of people, which makes for great memes, not arguments. There are some people who wouldn't know what some of those items are and that is who the meme is poking fun at. I find this meme funny because people get offended by posts like these and that is why these posts exist because there is a reaction.

    1. Another thing that makes this meme amusing is the fact that the creator had to use the technology we don't appreciate in order to make it.
