Friday, January 15, 2016

One of My Many Gripes About Alone Together

In the chapter of Alone Together by Sherry Turkle titled "Always On," Turkle speaks about a man named Pete who spends a large amount of time on the online social game called Second Life. In second life, anyone can create their own character, go to work, maintain relationships, and even earn real money. The Second Life player that Turkle is speaking about has an entirely different life on this online game. Pete uses it as an escape from his real world struggles, and it makes him happier, which I did not see a problem with. What stuck out for me was when he talked about how he has a wife on Second Life named Jade who his real world wife does not know about. They had an actual in game wedding and they engage in virtual sex when they play Second Life together. I understand that Second Life makes Pete happy and lets him forget his problems, but when it comes to his virtual wife, I have to draw the line. I consider that cheating in every sense of the word, and when Pete said that having a relationship with Jade makes him able to stay in his own marriage, I could not help but cringe. It disgusts me that he is able to blatantly have an intimate relationship with another woman and claim that it helps to stay with his actual wife, and not only does Turkle condone this, she almost seems to praise Pete for "keeping himself happy" by having virtual sex with another person. That was just unbelievable to me.


  1. I agree with you when it comes to the point of 'cheating' in a virtual reality game, and I feel like the ideology of cheating as only having sexual intercourse or other intimate relations but not meaningful conversations and erotic pictures plays into this. He was cheating on his wife, even though he did not do so physically.

  2. I do think that with it being online it is still very prevalent in out life. And with some people, their lives revolve around online and that world. So yeah I do agree that is is still considered cheating

  3. A good post overall, but I really don't see Turkle condoning what Pete is doing. At the very least, it baffles her. To me, it seems to disturb her!

  4. [Comment from Jessica Friend. I am posting for her. -Dr. H] "Virtual sex is something that made my jaw drop in disgust when I learned what exactly It was. In some ways I can totally agree with the fact that, technology and cell phones do make people disconnect from others physically. Yes, although technology opens up new communication methods, I definitely think its wrong to be having a sexual relationship via internet."
