Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Snow Day: Snow Day Technology

I have been sitting in my dorm room all day today reading and doing homework. I was originally snowed in at home but my parents made me come back to school. I got bored and decided to download yik yak. Doing the assignment today really made me think about social media and how now-a-days everything is instant. People were complaining about the snow, the campus, the parking lots, the food. All of these posts made me realize that thing happen so quickly on social media. The next thing I knew my friend Duncan called me telling me classes were cancelled for tomorrow. He called me before I even got the Rave Alert text on my phone. Technology and the instantaneous responses really shock me when I sit and think about it. And I honestly think that's why so many people hate technology. Because with a click of a button, everything is on the internet that very second.


  1. Very interesting response! It occurs to me that someone could read your entire post, get to the second to last sentence, and not know whether you were going to use the word "love" or "hate."

  2. I think that the instantaneous nature of technology also increased the effects of bullying. In the past if you did something embarrassing, it would stay in that school or that area. Now that same embarrassing act can be published so multiple people in other areas know and can cajole and bully the person as well. I would say that the anonymity of yik-yak also lends itself to cyber bullying because then the person is not held responsible by others.
