Friday, January 29, 2016

Snow Days Featuring Technology

I don't know what I or almost any other Shepherd University student would have done over this long break without technology. I don't just mean the video games I played while I was holed up in my room. Many forms of technology helped make my days off less stressful. The rave alerts helped me by telling me when school was cancelled so that I wouldn't have to frantically search around the Internet to figure it out myself. The emails from my professors helped me keep up on my work and made it so the missed days of class did not put everyone behind in their learning. And last but not least, all the social media helped by giving me a way to pass the time while I was unable to leave my building because of the awful weather. Without the help of technology, I would have been extremely bored and incredibly stressed out about these snow days. 


  1. I completely agree. Without technology i would have done nothing, i would have just stayed indoors, and tried to entertain myself over this long break. Technology gave me the option to talk to people and to just pass the time by. it made it easy to communicate to people and make plans.

  2. Yeah, I would have lost my mind a bit without everything you mentioned!

  3. Technology did help me pass the time along with keeping me current on the status of school closings, but I noticed that fewer and fewer kids are going out to enjoy the snow every year.

  4. Technology did help me pass the time along with keeping me current on the status of school closings, but I noticed that fewer and fewer kids are going out to enjoy the snow every year.
