Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Snow Day Assignment

Instructions for ENGL 102 for Friday’s Class

1) Think about Chapter 8 in Everyone’s an Author, specifically the characteristics of a narrative (108).

2) Pick one of the topics/themes Turkle discusses in “Growing Up Tethered,” listed below.

  • 172: interruption is no longer seen the same way; interruption is a kind of connection
  • 172: separation is also being reimagined—and this has implications for maturation/adolescent development
  • 175: the collaborative self
  • 177-8: being in touch will become the new norm; behavior that used to viewed as pathology will be (and has been) normalized
  • 179 and 183: the “protean” self and “profiles…how to make a me”

3) Think about a narrative (about your self or someone you know) that you can attach to the theme you select and begin sketching it out. Keep in mind what Lunsford et al say about a good narrative: it has a clear point. What, then, is the point of your narrative in response to the issue Turkle raises? You also might look at the list of characteristics on 108 in Lunsford. A couple of paragraphs could be enough, though you can say more.

4) Post your response on the blog. Give your posts this title: “Friday Snow Day: ______,” filling in the blank with whatever else you want the title to be.

5) Posts are due by noon tomorrow (Saturday). Failure to post will result in an absence and a zero quiz grade.

6) Remember: this post in is ADDITION to your weekly post/comments.

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