A new television show called "The Internet Ruined my Life" will be on the Syfy channel starting in March. Social media addiction and cyber bullying are problems that have emerged from the internet. From the time I was in fifth grade kids in my school began to get cell phones and have social media accounts. I got my first cell phone when I was in seventh grade. At this time, almost everyone in middle school had cell phones. After having a phone for a couple weeks I could remember my friend's texting me new rumors about people or pictures of conversations from other people. Later on in high school and part of middle school year's social medias and instant messaging websites began to be really popular. However, there were so many problems with socialization over the internet. People of all ages tend to say things through a screen that they normally would not say face-to-face. The fact that people will say things they normally wouldn't over text or on social media causes tons of new bullying outlets, like cyber bullying. "Examples of cyber bullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles" ( I'm sure everyone at some point has either experienced bullying or has seen bullying on social media, through text, or email. I could see how the internet could ruin lives for people, because of harsh and judgmental things that people say/do on the internet. I do however believe that there is more good to the internet than there is bad.
I definitely agree with you on the fact that cyber bullies will not say things to your face that they would say over the internet. The cowardice they express is ridiculous.
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