Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Snow Day: The Girls in the Podcast

Some people who listen to the "Status Update" podcast may make the mistake of thinking that the girls who are being interviewed are self-absorbed and vain, but that is simply not the case. The way I see it, the girls are just doing what many groups of girls would do at a slumber party on a Friday night before the creation of Instagram. They would sit around and do each other's hair and just compliment each other. Now, because of technology, they are able to do it virtually. Putting a selfie up on Instagram is the equivalent of walking down the high school hallway after waking up early and spending hours trying to look as good as possible. They want to look good, and they want to tell other people that they look good. They expect their friends to leave a like and comment because they do it for them. It is as much a normal part of those girls' friendships as saying hi when they pass each other in the hallway is. Technology has just become ingrained into their friendships because it is so prevalent in today's society. That does not make them conceited. They compliment all of their friends on their Instagram pictures just as much as they get complimented, and I think it is a completely acceptable and even a beautiful thing.


  1. I absolutely agree, and I believe that a lot of people look down upon or deride girls supporting each other and increasing their self-esteem, especially during what many have called a trying time in life. Further, I would say that if boys were to start doing similar things no one would call them vain or conceited, they would be called confident. But that's just me.

  2. I tend to agree with you, too, Travis. I mean, it struck me that these girls were so concerned with making each other feel good, not bad.
