Friday, February 26, 2016

Are West Virginia's Senators working for us? Spoiler: Only if you're straight

In recent months, our West Virginia State Congress has tried to push through some very questionable bills. One of the most recent of these absurd bills is Senate Joint Resolution 13, which is a bill designed to essentially "nullify all local LGBT rights ordinances." Basically, this bill would prohibit cities and towns in West Virginia from adopting their own ordinances that would extend protection to the LGBT community.

Now, last time I checked, we are living in the year 2016, and our lawmakers were elected to represent and protect everyone's rights, regardless of race, religion, sex, and yes, sexuality. The sheer fact that we we even have to have this discussion in the year 2016 is a great disappointment to me, and it's especially disappointing that lawmakers in our own state are attempting to create loopholes to allow discrimination. The LGBT community is an important part of the greater West Virginia community, and for our lawmakers to attempt to take away their right to be protected from unlawful discrimination is beyond shameful.

This may sound harsh, but I do not believe Senator C. Blair deserves to hold office if he feels that his job as our state senator is to create loopholes for certain groups of people he dislikes to be at a greater risk for discrimination. He is doing quite literally the opposite of what he is supposed to do as a state senator, and Craig Blair should be ashamed of himself for misusing his legislative power. The LGBT community of West Virginia are our neighbors, teachers, professors, babysitters, and everything else in between, and they deserve to have their rights protected just as much as any straight WV resident. And I, for one, am damn tired of the stupidity in Charleston.

I am posting this link for you all to read for yourselves so you don't have to take my word for it. If any of you are as upset as I am (and honestly, you should be), comment below and I can link you to a website that lists his office number so you can call and tell him to drop this bill.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why politicians feel the need to even make bills anymore about sexuality. Like you said, it's 2016 and everyone should be treated equally. Who cares who loves who? Let's just stay concerned with things that actually need to be fixed.
