Friday, February 5, 2016

Her and the Development of Modern Technology

I thoroughly enjoyed the film Her, which amazed me at every turn. I was shocked at how Theodore and his Operating System, Samantha, developed quite the relationship, but is that the direction our society is heading in? In the film, Theodore almost has more interactions between computers and software than actual people. People today seem very similar, spending hours staring at phone screens rather than talking to people face to face. What if I told you that people are finding a way to use the resources of a phone without having to carry one? People are already creating devices that allow you to control machines with your mind and project a screen onto any flat surface for you to check your email or play video games. Take a look here! With the technological advances that we are seeing today, the movie Her may not be too far off from the actual future. 


  1. It is absolutely amazing to me how quickly technology is advancing. I didn't particularly think of the setting in Her to be something that could be a reality in the near future, but, in all honesty, it could.

  2. I think it would be weird to have a OS system to engage in that serious of a conversation.

  3. Just because we may spend more time involved with technology than we do involved with other people does not mean we won't be able to develop the same social skills that we do when we interact with humans. If technology becomes as advanced as the technology featured in "Her," the need for human interaction could be cut out completely.

  4. The technology in the movie and in the article are definitely impressive. It does make you question what "normal" interactions will look like in the future if we do progress to the same level of technology that the movie shows.

  5. That link is mind-blowing! Wow!

  6. I think that is crazy but it is really becoming a part in our everyday lives do really can't ignore it any more.
