Friday, February 19, 2016

Technology of Romance

From my experiences with relationships (both platonic and romantic), technology has either hindered the connection between the two or reinforced the connection. I think that in today's modern age we see more broken relationships over 'cheating' on social media than actual face-to-face issues with couples, but keep in mind I'm not trying to say that social media is the cause of a broken relationship. However, more trust and privacy issues come into play with having a smartphone than back in the day where most interactions were in person or verbally over the phone. Many a vine or meme mentions that in a relationship 'getting the passcode' to a partners telephone is a true sign of faithfulness, but what I see is an extreme lack of trust in the relationship. A phone is a very private connection for people, and I think it is ridiculous that so many couples expect complete access to passwords for social media to looking at text conversations with other people. A truly faithful person would never give you any reason to believe that they are talking or flirting with another, and if they do then sometimes you have to wonder if you (yourself) are the one with the trust issues. That's my perspective on how technology has decreased trust in relationships, but I also acknowledge that it can strengthen them as well.


  1. Technology allows people to further relationships and allows for the possibility of long-distance relationships as well. I believe that the overuse of technology can damage relationships when people spend more time scrolling through Instagram rather than talking with close friends, family members, or even one's significant other.

  2. Technology has both hurt and helped my relationship. When I attended FSU last semester I could still FaceTime my boyfriend and it made being away from home less painful.
