Friday, February 5, 2016

Does Hillary Clinton have your vote?

It’s no secret that Hillary Clinton has flip-flopped on a vast amount of issues, from same-sex marriage, to single-payer healthcare, to immigration reform. She’s not the first politician to do so, of course; almost all politicians are in the business of pandering to whoever they think is paying attention to them and potentially supporting them at the time. The biggest issue with the fact that Hillary Clinton has flip-flopped so much on such hot issues, however, is the fact that although she’s done this repeatedly throughout her political career, she continues to brand herself as one of the most genuine politicians out there. She repeatedly claims her track record reflects the opinions she voices, but the reality is, she has completely reversed her opinion of mass incarcerations and private prisons, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade act, and immigration reform in the past year alone (Shafer, Jack.).

Again, although almost all politicians have a habit of pandering to whoever they think is currently supporting them or considering supporting them, it is especially problematic for Hillary Clinton to do so, and then claim she’s a genuine candidate with solid opinions. Now, it is perfectly understandable for politicians to truly change their mind on certain issues after learning more information about it (as Hillary is claiming is the case). But when Hillary launches her candidacy for the presidency for the second time (after losing the first time), and within a handful of months she changes her stance on almost every currently hot issue, how can she truthfully claim that she has always stayed true to her steadfast opinions?

Personally, I just can’t put my faith in a candidate who changes his or her opinion according to the status quo. I want a candidate who I can at least believe is telling the truth when talking about stances on policy issues, without having to wonder who’s giving that candidate money or favors behind close doors to claim a particular stance, or wonder which group of people the candidate is trying to temporarily win over for the sake of votes. That being said, despite being a registered Democrat, I can’t put my faith in Hillary Clinton, and therefore, I can’t place my vote on Hillary.

P.S. #Bernie2016

Sources: Shafer, Jack. “The Hole in Hillary’s Flip-flop Excuse.” 10/14/2015. Politico.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen videos on Facebook (obviously everything you see on Facebook is true) and there are viral videos of Hillary making clear statements about being against same-sex marriage. Then another video literally a couple years later, and she completely denies ever being against the topic. I understand that peoples opinions can change overtime. But Hillary says what people want to hear. She's both smart and stupid in this matter of political success.
