Friday, February 19, 2016

Formal Dates and Hanging Out

After our discussion today in class, I realized that I have been on both sides of the point Anzari made in the article. Breakups for me have been in person as well as over a text message, and I have been asked on a date (after some informal "hanging out get to know each other" time) as well as just brushed off to the side in a message stream. Personally, the relationships went way better when technology wasn't as involved. I suppose that technology has made it entirely easy for guys to escape from a girl that they don't want anything to do with, and vice versa. If the conversation isn't going well, they can stop replying without any real consequences. Because of this happening more often in our society, girls find it charming and attractive when a guy shows real interest and confidence. Although some girls are okay with the informality of being asked on a date over text; standards have severely lowered since the time when, to take a girl on a date, you had to come to the front door, meet the parents, open the car door for her, and buy her dinner. Not that I expect any of that from anyone, but when it does happen, the date seems almost unreal/over the top. Technology, in my opinion, has allowed for lots of informality to weave its way into young adult relationships. 

(Please don't think I'm some stuck up girl that wants prince charming to show up at my door. I think my comments about liking cats more than people proves that to be pretty untrue, though. Just some ideas for you guys to (hopefully) expand on!) 


  1. I agree with you, I think a lot of the traditions that are nice with romance that we want to keep are getting thrown to the wayside in favor of nudes or disconnect from another person and their feelings.

  2. YES. I agree with both of you so much. I'm not into the "prince charming" idea either, but I think our generation has lost a lot of formality, and I'd go so far as to say respect as well.
