Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How Technology Makes Us Look

During the last project "Alone Together," most of you know that I was probably silently observing you on your phones. While I did not take pictures of the class for my multimodal project, I did take a photo of some of our classmates in the library. 
I don't know how sneaky I was about this picture, but let's take a look at this photo. In this photo there are four visible students on some type of technology, be it a phone or a laptop. There is the guy to the left of the photo who is on his phone, for the majority of his time spent there was listening to music. The girl in the middle with the pink backpack pulled a book out of her bag and started reading the book for about five minutes and then pulled out her phone and started sending texts. The guy in the far corner was latched to his laptop the entire time I was observing these students. The girl on the right hand side with the pink laptop who is partially cut off from the picture, was alternating back and forth between her laptop and her phone for the entire duration I was in the library. The man in the middle with the hat and black jacket was on a laptop doing what looked like to me a computer game. Then there is me. I have my laptop bag which tells you I was on my laptop and I took this photo using my phone.
So, I believe it is safe to say that technology is running our worlds. There are seven out of seven people observed using technology for one reason or another. They could be contacting someone they know, writing a paper, playing a game, or surfing social media. It doesn't matter the reason because regardless of what we could be doing, technology is apart of our lives. Just to prove this point I had to be apart of the problem. This is the way society is moving and we should learn to accept it. Technology is a wonderful thing and can be used for the betterment of our everyday lives. I think we should stop shaming people who use technology and start engaging in the use of technology more often.


  1. Technology shouldn't be shamed because that is pretty much the foundation of our current society. Technology can be used as a tool to accomplish almost any task. The speed of current technology also allows you to accomplish goals much quicker than someone who would refuse the assistance of current technology.

  2. Technology is used for things we now need to do throughout the day. I have to use a computer to clock in and out of work and to do homework, whether it is this blog, writing a paper, or taking a test. Some people do use technology excessively, but technology is now needed to be a part of this world.

  3. I had dinner with my niece and nephew this week. They are 10 and 11. Their tablets were basically attached to their hands. Cyborgs!
