Friday, February 26, 2016

The Stuff People Post on the internet...

How can you really tell if something on the internet is true? I find myself questioning this issue a lot. As I was on the phone with my parents the other night I was also scrolling through my twitter feed. I came across this account about Donald Trump. The information on this account was funny, but how could I tell if it was true. So I read this "news paper" article to my parents and asked them for their opinion's. My Dad said, "Yeah, that's bull s***". My Mom's response was, " Well Trump is an a**. He probably pissed off his family members." So, after hearing their opinion's, I continued by asking my roommate for her opinion. She said, "there's no way that's true, but it is funny". At this point I was thinking about the different responses from my parents and my roommate. I honestly think that people have a selective perception to what they find on the internet. Based on their feelings towards the subject (Trump) I believe that they determine in their own mind if this thing is real or fake just by their own opinion on the subject. However, logically thinking. Would there really be curse words posted in a news paper article? No, I doubt it. But how can you be sure. Just like the sarcastic saying "everything that you read on the internet is true" shows how potentially dangerous the internet can be, due to the fact that NOT everything is true, and it is NOT so easy to determine if something is true or fake.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this not to long ago and thought the same thing. Like first, if this was in a real newspaper, was it a local newspaper or a world-wide newspaper. Secondly, it could be from a joke newspaper like The Onion. If so it explains why all of the points you said are true, but then i get to thinking, The onion is usually better that to joke about death. Like that is a low blow even for them, who have always been know to make fun of politicians in any means. So I think that unless it is a really liberal, local newspaper, then it probably a joke.
