Friday, February 26, 2016

Phone Confusion

As I have mentioned before on this blog, my parents are more than sufficient with technology. I never saw them have issues with any new gadget they get for themselves, until last week. My dad is always looking for the best and fastest in technology, and decided that our family needed to change phone carriers to reach that goal. Our previous phone carrier lagged whenever we were loading anything and dropped numerous calls. The new carrier gave us a good offer for new phones, specifically iPhones. My parents were never fans of Apple, but the deal for the iPhones was better than the one for Samsung Galaxies. Much to my parents' dismay, we all got iPhones. My sister and I easily set up our phones because we have had iPhones before. My parents, on the other hand, kept on asking us for help with their phones. I found this quite amusing that for once my parents were finally showing their age. Unfortunately, my parents caught on how to use their iPhones rapidly. Do your parents have issues with technology, or do they understand it like mine?

1 comment:

  1. My parents used to be clueless when it came to technology, but recently they have actually gotten smartphones and started to become more acquainted with technology.
