Friday, February 26, 2016

Mr. Eyeborg

Recently I saw a video from Insider about a Film-maker's camera for an eye and even though I think that this is a very cool technological milestone, I'm also worried. My worry stems from the fact that now this man can take photographs really without people knowing it, and this reminded me of the NSA scandal where our government can have access to our phones and servers. This also reminded me of Google Glass and how people began to question the involvement of smartphones as being in the form of something other than a phone (like a pair of glasses).

 Now clearly this man can only take pictures with this camera eye, but what if someone chose to hack into his eye? They could see everything that he sees and he would lose his privacy without ever really knowing it. I'm still rather conflicted about what I think of this newer technology, but I can see the positives and negatives of having a camera for an eye.


  1. Also, someone needs to do a project about why Google glass didn't catch on. I am glad about that, but I thought for sure it would.

  2. I don't particularly like the idea of someone taking pictures of me whenever they want, but the thought of someone hacking into an eye disturbs me even more.
