Friday, February 26, 2016

How Technology Made My Life Worse This Week

Previously, whenever any of my friends that live in my hall wanted to order pizza (which was usually three or four times a week), they would ask me to call dominoes and order everything for them because they hate talking on the phone. This was an awesome gig because since I ordered the pizza, I would always get a slice or two without having to put any money in. This week my friends discovered the Dominoes app where you can text your order to them and they deliver it without you having to do any talking. Now they just text Dominoes whenever they want pizza, and if I want any I actually have to put money in. My days of getting free pizza are now over thanks to the Dominoes app.


  1. I understand this feeling very much. I like talking to people, so i would often do the same for my friends. I mean talking has always been something I like doing. It is kinda hard for me to understand why people find it hard to do. Then again I struggle with texting people. So I guess we all have ways of communication that suits our needs. Do you feel as though this is from the increased use of technology in our lives?

  2. Hahaha, no more free pizza, man that sucks. Technology can sometimes suck.

  3. I always find it strange when people don't like calling out and ordering food or making an appointment. It's just talking to another person, and you don't even have to see them. When I first started my job I was nervous to answer the phone because I had no clue what to say. Now I love it, it gives me a little bit of a break from the chaos of being a server. Sorry about you having to pay for pizza now, that really does suck.
