Thursday, February 18, 2016

Library Hours and Quiet Time

I belong to the Delta Zeta sorority, and I am required to complete ten hours of study time a week. Usually when I go to the library I enjoy going to the "quiet section" of the library where no one is allowed to talk. However, I have noticed that talking is not the issue in the quiet room. The real problem is loud music being played behind headphones and another cell phone disruption. Not only do cell phone ring tones go off in the quiet area, but the vibration from cell phones is way more distracting. People inconveniently place their cell phones on top of the wooden tables, so that when they get a text message the table vibrates and can be heard from five tables down. I am outraged at the insincerity of people and how ignorant they are. Pay attention to the people around you, be courteous. Using your phone to watch loud video's or listen to loud music in public is basically the same thing as taking a cell phone call in public. It's rude and it makes it really hard to concentrate in a place where "quiet" is a rule. This is one thing about cell phones and technology that I cannot stand, and I know Turkle would agree with me.


  1. That would drive me crazy, too! I can't remember: does the library have signs on that floor about noise in general? Does they mention loud headphone, etc.? If not, maybe someone should suggest that they do?

  2. People understand how to use their technology, but they need to learn to adjust the functions of their technology to be more courteous to the people in their surroundings.

  3. The loud music from headphones really is inconsiderate. My question is: why do these people have to listen to their music so loud? Do they want to go deaf? Cell phones these days have a warning that pops up when you reach the point where the potential for deafness is high. People should really pay attention to this warning.

  4. As I type this, I am sitting in the downstairs computer area of the library. So silence isn't required here, but it is still a LIBRARY. A girl is sitting a few computers away from me with headphones in (that I can hear muffled sounds from, unfortunately) and laughing at whatever is happening on the screen in front of her. Forever will I wish that this library would actually be just a place for studying/homework/quiet time.

  5. Nobody seems to understand that "quiet" doesn't just mean no talking. It means do not make a sound no matter what. It really is inconsiderate to be making any noise in the quiet area.
