Friday, February 5, 2016

We are falling in love with technology, now is that a bad thing

Is technology so for ahead that it can now be that piece that fills hole in our lives? I do think so, but I also think that it is because it is a new thing, it is fresh and still a little mysterious. I believe that both robotics is new, and that technology has surpassed the wants that we have. Technology, as I have mentioned in my other pieces, has expanded to do so many things that we would find burdens. Technology has also gave us a sense of privilege and dependence. It does so by constantly be around us and alway doing what we say. If we give our phone something to do than it will do that thing. We are also always around technology. It is always present and when we have something to do or need to look up something then our phone will be there to help us. Humans need a dependent factor in our lives. This means that with how much time we spend on our phones or just around them, we are actually growing attached in the same way as though you would with people. Have you seen the reactions of younger people when you take away their phones. They get upset and react as though they lost some important. Now that thing is we have had this attachment for a while now, but would it change with how fast robotics is expanding. So now we could have robots instead of our phones. Would that change anything or bring in more powerful feelings? I think it would because, we would most likely design the robots to have the same body, therefore making the actually physical attachment easier, because would be living something that is similar to what we already love. We are falling in love with technology. My question is, is that a bad thing?


  1. I am curious: Logan, what do you think? Is it a bad thing?

  2. I don't really know I'm fairly nuetral, but if people want to I'm not going to oppose them. That is their choice, not mine to make. So I guess what I'm saying is it is good for someone.
