Friday, February 19, 2016

Trying a Different Kind of Dating

I recently downloaded the app Tinder on my phone, half as a joke and half because I genuinely want to meet new people. A few days ago I "matched up" with a girl from Shepherd, got her number, and began to text her and get to know her. Just a few minutes ago i returned from my first face-to-face meeting with her, and it actually went really well. Before today, I had never started a relationship texting someone and then met them in person. I always met them in person, got their phone number, and then started texting them. Getting Tinder opened up a whole new strategy for dating, and it was odd for me at first, but today I realized that how you meet someone does not really matter at all as long as you feel a connection to them. Tinder is just another way to make friends and potentially find people to date. It takes some getting used to, but in the end it can result in some great new relationships.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! We'll read some stuff later in the semester about this app specifically.
