Friday, February 5, 2016

Is technology changing us?

Throughout this project I've been doing some of my own research. I've gotten some data recorded, however, I don't want to go into detail about that. In short, I've seen a lot of people on their phones. I think it's something we're so used to having it's almost a part of us, like we don't even know we have it. I am guilty of this as well. There are times I will be on my phone talking to my friends and start frantically trying to find my phone while the entire time it's in my hand.
The sad thing is, most of us just laugh it off and make a joke about how dumb we are for forgetting we had to use it to make the phone call. I don't think this should be a joke. I think it's pretty bad that we don't see technology as something that is optional... its almost demanded.
Teachers now require papers to be typed, powerpoint for presentations, and emails to notify you of things. I mean think about it. When is the last time you or someone you know gave a presentation off the trifold boards or gave you a letter to remind you class was cancelled?
Technology has changed the way we communicate with teachers, friends, and family. It's like a habit to keep up with everyone. It's like our phones are at our hip or in our pockets. So much so that we don't even see it as extra.


  1. I totally have done that. The worse thing is I was on the phone with my dad when I was freaking out about my phone being missing.

  2. Although cellphones are a large part of society in this day and age, those that own them have the option to not let it control their lives. We don't always have to keep in touch. In fact, many people consciously choose not to check their phones so that they aren't interrupted. I feel that this is overlooked by majority of society simply because most people who are angered by technology are so loud about their opinions.
