Friday, February 26, 2016


For my movie paper I am focusing on "Catfish". Not the kind you catch out of water but the kind that play on your emotions online. This is a huge phenomena that happens everyday. Cat fishing is when you go online and make a fake profile and start talking to people. Sometimes, a romantic relationship comes out of the mix. I think it is crazy that someone would make a fake profile like that. What if the person who you stole pictures from to make your profile found that you were using them?
I can remember one time in my life, I was probably around thirteen and my brother was around ten. Someone had taken my brothers profile pictures, friended most of my brothers friends, and even tried to friend me. I guess they were trying to gain credibility I mean obviously it was a kid around my brothers age, but why would you friend the person who is most likely out of anyone to realize it is a fake account? Throughout the days we kept an eye on the profile and the person started posting mean comments to people which is nothing like my brother to do. So, we took it to our dad who messaged the person and within two hours the profile was taken down. Even though this person never tried to "talk" to anyone while using the account, they still stole my brothers information. So while you think your information could never be taken even something as little as photo of you, it can be. It is never a bad idea to google your name or google image search your photos. I know I wouldn't want a picture of me to have a negative connotation because of someone else.


  1. Catfishing makes me wonder about the psychology of those who are doing the catfishing. Do they do it because they are intentionally trying to be malicious? Do they do it because they have such low self-esteem that they are willing to create a completely new personality in order to have people like them? Do they want to see how far they can get, acting like an opposite gender? These questions plague the back of my mind every time I hear those horrible stories of what people pretend to be on social media.

  2. Catfishing is stealing someone else's identity. I have no idea why a person would want to hide their true identity. It's just like a basic tweet, or Instagram post. For example girls always choose inspirational quotes as their captions. I just feel like that isn't realistic.

  3. I can never understand why people "Catfish" each other. It's sad that people don't like who they are enough or want to get revenge on someone, and that's why they do it. I've watched a lot of Catfish episodes and every time I am amazed by how cruel people can be to each other.

  4. The whole "why do people do this?" question is what Chelsea will be exploring in her paper. Chelsea--you've got some good soundbites here from your peers about their interest in your topic!
