Friday, February 5, 2016

Why I Thought "Her" was Beautiful

I cannot deny that there were many issues that were brought to light in the movie Her. Despite all of the cultural and gender issues that were touched on, I could not bring myself to look past the amazing relationship between Samantha and Theodore. Everyone else that I have talked to about it says that their relationship was "weird" or "not real," but I completely disagree. The scene where Samantha and Theodore first have "sex" is extremely beautiful. It's so deep and real, and nothing needs to be shown because there is nothing to show. She makes him so incredibly happy throughout the movie, and she does not even need a body to do it. Their relationship is built completely on their feelings for each other. How can a relationship be weird or wrong when it causes such complete happiness for the people in it? I think that a big thing we can all take from Her is that we should all focus on being happy and making our relationships healthy instead of worrying about other people's relationships.


  1. I agree I do really feel that there was a real thing there maybe nor other but between them, yes. I think it was a real relationship.

  2. Although I still have trouble accepting the fact that Theodore was dating an entity that was non-human, I think your opinion on their relationship is really sweet, and I think it's cool you're able to see past the fact that Samantha didn't have a body so easily.
